Optimist in Singapore

Anyway, that night I was wearing this yellow shirt with the conspicuously printed word “OPTIMIST”. Back then I was really optimistic that I’ll be getting this job as Philippine correspondent for an Asian television news network. By the way, that yellow shirt is my housemate’s hehehe.
Well, to set the record straight and since many of my colleagues have been perpetually asking me about my Singapore trip, I backed out immediately after getting accepted in that network. After much introspection, I thought I’d be happier here if I stay with my present company. Yes the job opportunity in an international network plus the salary is undoubtedly irresistible. Some of my friends even told me it was the most stupid decision I made in my life.
I must say the people there in Singapore were great, especially Trixia. Thanks to her for making my application a lot easier than I thought! I was really looking forward to working with you guys and getting ready for a new working environment. But I guess the job there was just overwhelming and maybe I’m not yet ready for the challenge.
Yes I decided to stay with my present company despite the low salary. (And you guys thought we earn a lot huh! Kala nyo lang yon.) I guess I still enjoy what I’m doing here especially now that I’m trying to put more effort in contributing documentaries for the program “The Correspondents”. Salamat nga pala sa mga corres people kasi sobrang understanding sila kahit hindi pa ako sanay magsulat sa long-format.
And for those who were persistently asking if I got a better offer from my present company – well I wish I did. Pero nope, I didn’t get a counter-offer. I think it’s not always the money that counts but what matters most is where one will be happy and satisfied. Not that I’m saying I won’t be happy working for that Singapore-based company. Who knows, I could have been a lot happier there. But for now I’d rather not think of the what-ifs. I guess somehow from time to time, we should follow what our hearts dictate us to do. Parang sa lovelife hehehe.
And bottomline is, whatever we do, whatever we decide on, we should always act like an eternal OPTIMIST.