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Monday, January 23, 2006

5th Anniv of PGMA

At the time these members of Akbayan Youth draped the People Power Monument with an Oust Gloria banner, the latest survey from Pulse Asia was released.

Some thirty members of the party-list group flocked to the People Power Mounument to echo their calls against the President for the nth time.

And at the same time, according to a recent survey by Pulse Asia, 58% of Filipinos will support calls for the President’s ouster if it were proven that she cheated in the elections.

I asked Akbayan Youth’s spokesperson, Ivy Diaz, a Social Science student from the Philippine Normal University, about what they can do to get the nod of 58% of Filipinos. She said they are tirelessly campaigning in schools and everywhere else by giving out Hello Garci CD’s to prove that President Arroyo is a bogus leader.

But then, haven’t we had enough of the voices behind those CD’s? It’s in the internet, TV stations have broadcast parts of it, and transcripts were already published in the major dailies. Since the opposition says the CD is a potent tool to pin down the President, then those 58% should have already acted since the issue cropped up.

But how come we haven’t seen those 58% in Edsa just yet?

Well, maybe the opposition has to work harder. Harder than the job being done by the President’s men. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to see that you haven't lost your political savvy.

12:43 PM


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